Refurbishments & Restorations

Alastrean House

Refurbishment Details

Client: The MacRobert Trust
Project: Refurbishment
Location: Tarland, Aberdeenshire
Project Value: £1m-£2m
Project date: 2017
James Paul Associates

Alastrean House had been badly affected by fire at the end of 2015 however the external stone structure remained unaffected, as did a large proportion of the roof structure. The MacRobert Trust took the decision to fully refurbish the house, which was at the time already a residential care home leased to the Balhousie Care Group.

The contract was completed in 2 phases; the main building being phase 1 followed by the phase 2 east wing later in the summer of 2017, completion was achieved within this timescale and handover of phase 2 was achieved on the original completion date.